Knee to Elbow Crunch. How-to, proper form and tips

Dynamic movement strengthening abs and obliques, an alternative to the crunch.
Video demonstration
(excerpt from 'Exercise Library: Knee-to-Elbow Crunches'
by Darebee)
How to and step by step instructions:
- Lie down on your back.
- Place your hands behind your head.
- Raise your shoulders off the ground in a crunch position.
- Raise your legs, bending the knees in 90 degrees. This is the starting position.
- Extend one leg, while bringing the other knee to the opposite elbow.
- This is one repetition.
- Now switch, extending and bending alternate legs, bringing the opposite elbow to touch the knee.
Hints & tips:
- Do not strain your neck.
- Strengthen Abs and Obliques.
Counting & gamification:
- Perform series of 20, meaning 10 on each leg.
Muscles worked and body parts involved:

Primary muscles: Obliques, Abs, Hip Flexor
Secondary muscles: Lowerback, Quads
Other names
The exercise can be found with other names. Examples are:
- Knee to Elbow Crunch
- Alternate Knee to Elbow Crunch