L Sit Butt Scoot. How-to, proper form and tips

Extending your arms and shoulders to stand off the ground prepares the upper body for the L Sit.
Video demonstration
(excerpt from 'How To L Sit (3 STEPS) For Beginners - Core Strength & Progressions'
by TappBrothers)
How to and step by step instructions:
- Sit on the floor with your knees bent.
- With your hands on the floor, extend your arms and shoulders standing off the floor, moving your butt forward a short distance.
- While seated, move your hands forward towards your hips.
- Repeat the movement moving forward a little more.
- Count the distance you can move by repeating the exercise.
Hints & tips:
- Keep your ears away from the shoulders, pressing the shoulders down.
- It is irrelevant whether you move more or less on each move, as you will count the distance after all repetitions.
- Strengthen shoulders, triceps and abs.
- Dynamic move using the same muscles as the L Sit, in a lighter version.
Counting & gamification:
- Count how many meters you can advance, regardless the number of pushes.
Muscles worked and body parts involved:

Muscles: Full body
Primary muscles: Shoulder, Triceps, Abs, Hip Flexor
Secondary muscles: Obliques, Lats, Quads
Other names
The exercise can be found with other names. Examples are:
- L Sit Butt Scoot
- Tuck L Sit Walk