L Sit on Parallel Bar. How-to, proper form and tips

L Sit on Parallel Bar icon

The exercise requires strong shoulders, abs and triceps.

Video demonstration

How to and step by step instructions:

  1. Stand on parallel bars raising your feet off the ground.
  2. Keep your arms straight and shoulders pressed down, your ears away from the shoulders.
  3. Straighten your legs keeping them close together, touching each other.
  4. Raise both legs until parallel to the ground.
  5. Count the seconds you can hold them straight and horizontal.

Hints & tips:

  • Start with a tuck position, or lower than horizontal.
  • Practice between two chairs if you don't have access to parallel bars.


  • Strong core, shoulders, triceps.
  • Nice calisthenics exercise, demanding yet doable with practice.

Counting & gamification:

  • Count the seconds you can hold, accumulating in a period (session, day, week).
  • Set an accumulated goal for a workout session, say 30 seconds, and do the necessary repetitions to reach that goal.

Muscles worked and body parts involved:

Primary , Secondary

Muscles: Full body

Primary muscles: Shoulder, Triceps, Abs, Lats, Hip Flexor, Quads

Secondary muscles: Obliques, Lowerback, Hamstring

Muscle: Full body

Collection: L Sit Variations

Category: Isometric