One Arm Body Row. How-to, proper form and tips

One Arm Body Row icon

The One Arm Body Row is an harder variation of the Body Row pushinh the obliques to a higher level. It also strengthens the upper back and shoulders.

Video demonstration

How to and step by step instructions:

  1. Hold the bar with both hands, palms facing forward.
  2. Move your feet forward, walking under the bar, and straighten legs and core.
  3. Hold the bar with one hand only, placing the other one on your back.
  4. You are hanging from the bar with one hand, feet on the floor, straight legs. This is the starting position.
  5. Bend your holding arm bringing the chest close to the bar.
  6. Stay there a few seconds and extend the arm again, lowering yourself to the initial position.

Hints & tips:

  • The more horizontal, the hardest is the move.
  • Put your feet closer to the bar or choose for a higher bar for an easier variation.
  • The higher the inclination, the easier is the exercise.


  • Strengthen back muscles and obliques.
  • Very easy to adjust to your fitness level, by adjusting feet position.

Counting & gamification:

  • Adjust the feet position to have 10 reps of maximum effort yet proper form.

Muscles worked and body parts involved:

Primary , Secondary

Primary muscles: Shoulder, Triceps, Upper Back

Secondary muscles: Forearms, Chest

Other names

The exercise can be found with other names. Examples are:

  • One Arm Body Row
  • One Arm Inverted Row
  • One Arm Bodyweight Row
  • One Arm Horizontal Pull Up
  • Single Arm Body Row
  • One Arm Australian Pull Up
  • Single Arm Australian Pull Up

One Arm Body Row

One Arm Body Row icon
3. One Arm Body Row

Muscle: Shoulder

Muscle: Triceps

Muscle: Upper back

Collection: Body Row variantions

Category: Bodyweight