One Arm Knee Push Up. How-to, proper form and tips

One Arm Knee Push Up icon

The One Arm Knee Push Up serves as a preparation for the One Arm Push Up. It uses the abs for the balance and also biceps and tricepsarms and shoulders.

Video demonstration

How to and step by step instructions:

  1. Get down on all fours.
  2. Keep one hand under the shoulder, the other on your back.
  3. This is the starting position.
  4. Bend the elbow on the vertical arm, bringing the chest close to the floor.
  5. Extend the arm again returning to the initial position.
  6. Remember to practice both arms.

Hints & tips:

  • Place the knees closer to the shoulders for an easier variation.


  • Exercise is a preparation for the One Arm Push Up.
  • Chest, bicep and shoulders are activated with this movement.

Counting & gamification:

  • Count repetitions in a period, session, week or month.
  • Count rpetitions in a row.

Muscles worked and body parts involved:

Primary , Secondary

Muscles: Core & Upper body

Primary muscles: Shoulder, Triceps, Chest, Obliques

Secondary muscles: Abs

Other names

The exercise can be found with other names. Examples are:

  • One Arm Knee Push Up
  • Single Arm Knee Push Up

Heading to the One Arm Push Up

One Arm Knee Push Up icon
3. One Arm Knee Push Up

One Arm Push Up Variants

Muscle: Core and Upper body

Collection: Knee Push Up Variations

Collection: Push Up Variations

Collection: Push Ups on One Arm

Category: Bodyweight