Seated L Sit Pike Leg Raise. How-to, proper form and tips

Harder than it looks, the exercise is great both for quads and core.
Video demonstration
(excerpt from 'Paradiso CrossFit - Seated Leg Lift in Pike'
by Paradiso CrossFit - Venice and Culver City CrossFit)
How to and step by step instructions:
- Sit on the floor, legs straight and feet together.
- Put your hands on the floor, near the hips or further closer to the knees.
- Raise both feet of the ground, keeping the legs straight.
- Lower both legs back to the floor. This is one repetition.
Hints & tips:
- Place hands in the floor behind the hips for an easier version. Move them towards the feet for increased difficulty.
- Keep your back in a straight line position.
- Keep your legs extended, without bending the knees.
- Good preparation for the L Sit.
- Strengthen core and quads.
- Improves your back posture.
Counting & gamification:
- Make series of 10.
- Measure distance from your back to the point of your fingers. The closer to your feet, the harder the exercise.
Muscles worked and body parts involved:

Muscles: Core & Lower body
Primary muscles: Abs, Lats, Hip Flexor, Quads
Secondary muscles: Obliques, Hamstring
Other names
The exercise can be found with other names. Examples are:
- Seated L Sit Pike Leg Raise
- Seated L Sit Pike Leg Lift
- Seated Pike Leg Lift
- Seated Pike Leg Raise