Sitting Twist. How-to, proper form and tips
The Sitting Twist works Abs and Obliques. Its a very easy exercise that can be effective with the appropriate number of repetitions.
Video demonstration
(excerpt from 'Exercise Library: Sitting Twists' by Darebee)
How to and step by step instructions:
- Sit down on the floor, knees bent and feet touching the floor close to each other.
- Raise the feet of the ground, touch hands on each other.
- Turn your torso to one side, placing the hands on that same side, near the floor.
- Turn the torso to the other side, again placing the hands near the floor on that side.
- Repeat.
Hints & tips:
- Do the move slowly, not in a rush.
- Strengthen abs and obliques.
Counting & gamification:
- Count series of 20 or 30. At least 3 series shuld be part of a workout session.
Muscles worked and body parts involved:
Primary muscles: Obliques, Abs
Other names
The exercise can be found with other names. Examples are:
- Sitting Twist
- Russian Twist