Spiderman Push Up. How-to, proper form and tips

A Push-up with one leg only that will activate abs more than normal.
Video demonstration
(excerpt from 'Exercise Library: Dragon Push-Ups'
by Darebee)
How to and step by step instructions:
- Set on a plank position, straight arms.
- Move the left arm a little ahead from the shoulders.
- Bend both arms and bring chest close to the floor, while bringing the right knee close to the right elbow. Only the left foot supports your lower body.
- Bring the left hand under the shoulder and repeat the other side: Right arm slightly forward, bend bringing left knee close to the left elbow.
Hints & tips:
- Keep the core engaged.
- Raise the knee as much as possible keeping leg and body as close to the ground as possible.
- Same as the regular push-up (strength, build muscle, cardio effort) with stronger core engagement.
Counting & gamification:
- Count the number of repetitions in a period, say session, week or month.
- Set a goal for all push-up variants, arrange a list of them to ensure many are tried.
Muscles worked and body parts involved:

Muscles: Full body
Primary muscles: Shoulder, Triceps, Chest, Obliques, Hip Flexor
Secondary muscles: Abs, Lowerback, Glutes, Hip Abductor
Other names
The exercise can be found with other names. Examples are:
- Spiderman Push Up
- Dragon Push Up
- Spiderman Press Up
- Dragon Press Up