L Sit to Tuck Planche. How-to, proper form and tips

L Sit to Tuck Planche icon

Starting in an L Sit position, bend your knees to a tuck position, while rotating so that your back becomes horizontal and you face down the ground.

Video demonstration

How to and step by step instructions:

  1. Stand on the parallettes, arms straight and shoulders pressed down, body in L shape.
  2. Remove the feet off the ground keeping the legs straight in an L Sit position.
  3. This is the starting position.
  4. Bend you knees to a tuck position while rotating your shoulders, so that your butt goes up and your back becomes horizontal or nearly horizontal.

Hints & tips:

  • You must be able to L Sit to do this.
  • Always keep your back straight.


  • Improves both L Sit and Planche capacity.
  • Strong core.

Counting & gamification:

  • Count each time your butt is up.
  • Set an accumulated goal for a period such as the session, week or month.

Muscles worked and body parts involved:

Primary , Secondary

Muscles: Full body

Primary muscles: Shoulder, Triceps, Abs, Lats, Hip Flexor, Quads

Secondary muscles: Obliques, Upper Back, Lowerback, Hamstring

Muscle: Full body

Collection: L Sit Variations

Category: Bodyweight