Pull Up Progression

The Pull Up is a challenging Upper Body exercise, where the body is suspended in the bar and by bending the elbows the chin is carried up above the bar.

In order to perform, you need strong triceps and back muscles. The progression will allow you to achieve your first Pull Up .

Strengthen your grip, forearms and shoulders. The Dead Hang is a perfect exercise for this. Start with a few seconds hanging, depending on your strength, but aim for 30 consecutive seconds.

1. Dead Hang

Hang in a bar and stay there, holding with your arms straight. This is the Dead Hang .

Stretching all upper body is refreshing, and the exercise will help your shoulders, forearms and grip capacity. While hanging, keep your core relaxed. This is the main difference to the Active Hang.

Prepare your biceps. Hang on a bar wiht flexed arms and hold for a few seconds.

Procees when you succeed hanging for 30 seconds.

2. Flex Hang

In order to prepare yourself to pull-ups, the flex-hang is a starting exercise that will strengthen all muscles used when proper pulling.

Prepare shoulders and scapula. The Body Row can be seen as the younger brother of the Pull Up as it works the very same muscles.

3. Body Row

The Body Row exercise is great for strengthening the back muscles. It serves as a preparation for the pull up.

Prepare triceps and back muscles, with an easy variation of the Pull Up .

Step on a bench, or jump to the bar so that your chin is above the bar. Then, lower yourself slowly.

4. Negative Pull Up

For the negative Pull-up you use some support such as a box or chair, to raise your chin to the bar level. The exercise is focused on the descent part of the pull-up, and an excellent preparation for the regular pull-up.

Enjoy the pull ups.

5. Pull Up

The Pull-up is an upper body exercise, that works the biceps, triceps, forearms, wrists, grip strength, lats, shoulders, back and core. Many consider the pull-up one of the best bodyweight exercises.

The very first pull-up requires some training and preparation.

There are other progressions available.