L Sit to V Sit. How-to, proper form and tips

From an L Sit position, bent your knees and move the hips forward, so that you set a V-Sit tuck position.
Video demonstration
(excerpt from 'L Sit to V-Sit Transition - Advanced Bodyweight Skills'
by GMB Fitness)
How to and step by step instructions:
- Sit on the floor, legs straight, place hands near hips, activate shoulders and set in an L Sit position. This is the starting position.
- Bend your knees and bring them close to chest.
- Move your hips forward, setting the knees higher than the previous.
- This is one repetition.
Hints & tips:
- You must handle the L Sit prior to this exercise.
- Full body exercise, focused on core and shoulders.
Counting & gamification:
- Count repetitions in a period, session, week or month.
Muscles worked and body parts involved:

Muscles: Full body
Primary muscles: Shoulder, Triceps, Abs, Lats, Hip Flexor, Quads
Secondary muscles: Obliques, Upper Back, Lowerback
Other names
The exercise can be found with other names. Examples are:
- L Sit to V Sit
- L Sit to High Tuck