Assisted Unstable One Arm Push Up. How-to, proper form and tips

The Assisted Unstable One Arm Push Up increases difficulty of the Assisted One Arm Push Up by bringing instability to the supporting hand.
Video demonstration
(excerpt from 'Advanced Push Up Progressions- One Arm Push Up Tutorial'
by Francis Yang)
How to and step by step instructions:
- Get down on all fours.
- Keep one hand under the shoulder, the other away and placed on an unstable object such as a ball, bosu or a balance board.
- The first arm is kept vertical, the second diagonal.
- Extend your legs, the feet should support your body, not the knees.
- This is the starting position.
- Bend the elbow on the vertical arm, bringing the chest close to the floor.
- Extend the arm again returning to the initial position.
- Remember to practice both arms.
Hints & tips:
- Start with a stable support, as in Assisted One Arm Push Up.
- Similar to the One Arm Push Up, the exercise strengthens the arms, shoulder, chest and core.
Muscles worked and body parts involved:

Muscles: Core & Upper body
Primary muscles: Shoulder, Triceps, Chest, Obliques
Secondary muscles: Abs, Lowerback
Other names
The exercise can be found with other names. Examples are:
- Assisted Unstable One Arm Push Up
- Assisted Unstable Single Arm Push Up
Supported One Arm, by difficulty

3. Assisted Unstable One Arm Push Up