Knee Triceps Push Up. How-to, proper form and tips

The exercise is a medium term between the wall triceps and regular triceps push-up. Highly focused in the triceps, also addresses shoulder and chest.
Video demonstration
(excerpt from 'Knee Triceps Extension Push-ups'
by Full Control)
How to and step by step instructions:
- Kneel on the floor.
- Put your hands on the floor shoulder-width and arms straight, fingers facing forward, ahead of your shoulders.
- This is the starting position.
- Bend your arms, bringing the forearm to the floor and, thus, shoulders closer to the floor.
- Straighten your arms again and bring your body to the initial position.
Hints & tips:
- Keep the elbows close to the body. For this put your hands in a way that the fingers point forward.
- Be prepared, triceps are truly pushed in this exercise.
- Move your hands forward for a harder variation.
- For an easier exercise, see the Wall Triceps Push Up.
- For an harder exercise, see the Triceps Push Up.
- Strengthen Triceps.
Counting & gamification:
- Include in your push-up variations for a total month count.
- Make 1 to 3 series of 10.
- Set a goal so that you can move to the full version of triceps extension.
Muscles worked and body parts involved:

Primary muscles: Shoulder, Triceps
Secondary muscles: Upper Back
Other names
The exercise can be found with other names. Examples are:
- Knee Triceps Push Up
- Knee Triceps Extension Push Up
- Knee Forearm Push Up
- Knee Tiger Push Up
- Knee Sphinx Push Up
Triceps Push Up, easy to hard

4. Knee Triceps Push Up