Butterfly Sit Up. How-to, proper form and tips

This variation of a sit-up opens hip rotators. Beginners friendly it works simultaneously both abs and hips.
Video demonstration
(excerpt from 'Exercise Library: Butterfly Sit-Ups'
by Darebee)
How to and step by step instructions:
- Sit down on the floor.
- Touch the bottoms of your feet with each other, bending your knees as in a butterfly stretch.
- Lie back, keeping the feet touching themselves and knees open. While going down join hands in the chest.
- Once with your back on the ground, roll up coming to the sitting position once again.
Hints & tips:
- Lift your upper body in a controlled, fluid movement.
- Keep your knees wide opened.
- Keep head in a neutral position.
- Strengthen your core.
- Activates and opens the hips.
Counting & gamification:
- Count repetitions in a session or period such as a month.
- Add the exercise to your crunch variations.
Muscles worked and body parts involved:

Primary muscles: Abs, Hip Flexor
Secondary muscles: Neck